

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Project 365

Just an update on one of my resolutions.

Project 365 is off to a rocky start. This particular resolution is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I am always taking pictures, but to actually think outside the box, is not so easy. My daily pictures have mostly consisted of Christian, which is fine, but I think that should be another project all together. My plan is to take pictures that I ordinarily wouldn't. Drive an extra mile out of my way to discover new beauties.

Yesterday, I stopped at the bike path, which I pass on a daily basis, and decided to take a few shots. It felt so good. But I need to make time for these things. I had Christian with me, so I couldn't go far in this cold weather. Here are two of my favorites from this spur of the moment shoot.

My plan is to take a different route to work this week. Leave a little earlier and try to take some pictures. When you really stop to look, you'll see that where you live has a lot more to offer than you'd normally think. I find myself getting caught up in the daily spin of things, but it's refreshing to stop and take a second to snap a photo of something I never really noticed before. 

I'll try to post at least one shot a week on here.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

School Update

So since the Fall of 2010 was my first semester back to school since having Christian, I thought I'd give an update.

I took on a full-time course load, which at RWU is equivalent to 4 classes (or 12 credits). Time management played a huge factor, and although this semester went well, I know the Spring will be even tougher. I struggled in one class in particular (Research Methods), but even with this I earned a 3.5 GPA.

At the end of the semester I chose my classes for the Spring. I will be taking (1) Psych of Adolescence, (2) History of Modern Japan, (3) Intro to Clinical Psychology, (4) Positive Psychology, and (5) Practicum Experience in Psychology.

The fifth course is also my internship. I applied for and received and internship on campus in the PAL program (Peer Advisor Leadership Program). This will require my attending a 3 hour class once a week, along with completing 12 hours a week related to the internship. I'm excited, but also nervous.

I am taking on a tougher and larger course load than last semester. I will be at school nearly 27 hours a week between class and my internship, work 25 hours a week, plus homework time and of course my home life.

So for those of you ladies thinking about going back to school after having a child, you're right. It will be tough, but you CAN do it. It just takes a lot of dedication (and time management). Feel free to share your stories!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Time to Reconnect

The end of this statement is typically 'with old friends', but this time, I mean that it is time to reconnect with my partner, Michael.

Anyone who is a caretaker (of any kind) knows that it can often put a strain on your relationships. Although having Christian has brought a new found love and joy, it has also brought new stresses. I find that Michael and I used to be light hearted, spontaneous (more him than me - I am and always will be a control freak/planner), and well frankly, fun. Now our days are filled with caring for Christian, work, school, errands, and whatever else needs to be done (which there is always something). 

I have come to realization that we need to make time for each other. Yes, we still rent movies & cuddle on the couch, but what about date nights? I'm talking the real deal. Not dinner and a movie as always. What about going to the rock gym or taking a two hour drive just to get dessert? 

Before Christian, we always took a yearly trip. Our first year together we went to NYC for Christmas, the following year we took two trips, one to NYC and the other to Orlando, FL for a weekend. Just before Christian came we spent a weekend in North Hampton, NH and another was spent going to Niagara Falls. We didn't take any trips in 2010. We can blame it on money, or fear of taking Christian to unfamiliar places, but it's time to stop making excuses, and just do it!

I know it isn't going to be easy, but it is necessary. Every relationship needs a little rekindling. We need to reconnect. Talk about our hopes, aspirations, pipe dreams. And so, I will make that extra effort to go somewhere, do something, anything, to spend time with Michael. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year Resolutions

Let me begin by saying that I apologize for my lack of posting! Things have been crazy this year, but I am finally getting the hang of motherhood, being a student, partner, and working.

With a new year comes a fresh start. Here are some of my new year resolutions (yes, that's plural):

1. Blog at least once a week - This will be tough with such a hectic schedule, but I feel that it is important for many reasons. Blogging will be my outlet. I feel that I can openly express myself here and reflect on my experiences. I want this blog to be a resource to other young mothers that they too can achieve whatever they wish. This should also serve as a journal, so that when my son is older, he can see just how hard his parents work and hopefully gain from my experiences.

2. Project 365 - Michael bought me a new camera for Christmas this year. I have been wanting one for quite some time, and now that I have one, I cannot resist the temptation. I have always loved photography. Project 365 will push me to take one photo a day for an entire year. I'm hoping that it will push me to really explore my passion of photography and help me grow as a person.

3. Reconnect - As a new mom, I feel the need to reach out more. I have a few friends that are having (or just recently had) children. I want to be there for them, just as others have been there for me. My goal is to set up "playdates". A time for the children to play and us mothers to reflect. Every parent needs an outlet. Whether we vent about our worries of our child not sleeping through the night, or kickin' the bottle, or simply chat about our aspirations, it's a necessity.

4. Get back to church - Michael and I used to attend church on a regular basis, but since having Christian, it's more of an occasional thing. There is no excuse. I used to say "it's tough with a baby", but hey, what isn't? If I can go to school, work, do homework, and find time to spend with Michael and Christian, we can most definitely make it to church once a week. I am hoping that beginning next Sunday, we can try out a new church and become a regular member.

With that being said, you can expect to hear from me more often. I hope that everyone had a happy and safe holiday season. Feel free to share your Resolutions. I am sure we can all use a little inspiration.